This is a Growth and Action Oriented, Forward-Movement based program led by Jackie, an Advanced Certified Grief Recovery Specialist who has lived and incorporated this program into her own life.  You will learn a wealth of information about yourself, your relationships, your life experiences, your copingstrategies, and effective recovery tools for past, current, and future loss related experiences.   

The information passed on through society about "grief and loss" is not helpful for understanding that there are MANY losses for which grieving is normal and natural and recovery is attainable.  Please contact Jackie to learn which program is most befitting for you and how she can support your needs.

The gift of Grief Recovery to Yourself is also a gift to those present in your life, and those you honor in your heart

Contact Me

We will connect within 72 business hours!

Grief Recovery Life Discovery Individual and Group programs are therapeutic, thought-provoking, compassionate, and experiential as participants explore their own "grief-inducing experiences" including Death (by many causes), Divorce, Relationship Struggles or Estrangement, Empty Nest, Life/Career Transitions, Loss of Safety, Trust, Health, Faith, and address unresolved pain so they can reinvest in the meaningfulness of their lives.

Clear Life Counseling, LLC  

(860) 414-4245

Schedule and Appointment

Clear Life Counseling, LLC

Clear Life Counseling, LLC​​

The Solution

 We are all advised to "Let Go", "Move  On" after losses of All kinds.  Most of  us would do that if we knew how.
